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Msft0101 Lenovo Windows 7

Windows Recovery Error 100-14IBD: Causes and Solutions


When attempting to recover an operating system from Windows 8 or 10 to Windows 7, or vice versa, users may encounter an error code 100-14IBD, 100-15IBD, 100S-14IBR, 110-17IKB, 110-14IBR, 110-15IBR, 110-15ACL, 110 Touch-15ACL, or 110-17ACL. This error is caused by a specific BIOS setting.

Cause of Error

The error occurs when the Intel Platform Trust Technology option is enabled on the Security tab in BIOS. This option is typically used to enhance security, but it can interfere with the recovery process.


To resolve the error, follow these steps:

Disable Secure Boot

* Enter your computer's BIOS settings. * Navigate to the Security tab. * Locate the Secure Boot option and disable it.

Disable Intel Platform Trust Technology

* After disabling Secure Boot, find the Intel Platform Trust Technology option on the Security tab. * Disable this option as well.

Save Changes and Exit BIOS

* Press F10 to save your changes and exit BIOS. * The recovery process should now proceed without errors.

Additional Notes

* If you need to run Windows 7 32-bit, check your PC's BIOS settings for an option to turn off ACPIMSFT0101. This option may be present on older motherboards. * The error code 100-14IBD is specific to Windows 10 32-bit, 100-15IBD to Windows 10 64-bit, 110-17IKB to Windows 11 32-bit, and 110-14IBR to Windows 11 64-bit. If you encounter a different code, refer to Microsoft documentation or consult a qualified technician.
